Movie Clips
Click on the file to download the movies. I'm not really big on movie clips so i don't have many.

File Description Size Program Needed To Run Rating (1-10)
Movie 01Clip from one of the movies where Broli fights Goku3.7 MBWindow's Media Player8
Movie 02My best clip, Vegetto kicks the @!#$ out of Buu874 KBWindow's Media Player11
Movie 03Buu fights back trying to beat-up Vegetto1.28 MBWindow's Media Player7.5
Movie 04Gohan killing Bojax in one of the movies2.37 MBWindow's Media Player7
Movie 05Clip from one of the movies where both Gogeta and Gotanks fight, no sound but subtitles3.39 MBWindow's Media Player8.5
Movie 06Goku and Majin-Vegeta fighting486 KBWindow's Media Player8
Movie 07Goku going SSJ4 for the 1st time3.24 MBWindow's Media Player8
Movie 08SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta fuse to form SSJ4 Gogeta. SSJ4 Gogeta then fires a Big-Bang Kamehameha at the Evil Dragon620 KBWindow's Media Player10
Movie 09SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta fighting the Evil Dragon1.19 MBWindow's Media Player7
Movie 10Vegetto goes SSJ for the 1st time914 KBWindow's Media Player9
Movie 11Goten and Trunks fuse to form Gotenks555 KBQuickTime7
Movie 12Trunks goes acts like he is hurt bad, but quickly turns SSJ and blocks a sword1.03 MBQuickTime7.5
Movie 13SSJ Goku get hit right in the.... ooo thats gotta hurt.1.07 MBQuickTime8.5
Movie 14Vegeta goes SSJ780 KBQuickTime7
Movie 15Very funny clip where Vegetto fires a Big-Bang attack, there is also an appearance by Mr. Satan1.21 MBQuickTime9.5

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