The Bad Guys
If the name of the character is a link, click on it to get his/her profile! And please keep in mind that in Japanese, all vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u) are short!

Japanese Name American Name Pronounced in Japanese Name Pun Appeared In (As a Bad Guy)
OolongOolongOolonA Chinese tea called Oolong TeaDB
YamuchaYamchaYamuchahSome kinda food... I dunno what tho.DB
PualPwar PualPual Tea... anotha kind of Chinese tea.DB
GyumaoOx KingGyuumaohNone... look at good guys section for definiton of his name.DB
To NinjinkaTo NinjinkaToh Nin-jin-kaHis name is spelled with Chinese characters like this: Rabbit-Carrot-Morph. And fittingly, this guy is a rabbit and anyone that touches him becomes a carrot.DB
PilafPilafPilafuPilaf pretty much means fried rice. DB, DBGT
ShuShuShuuShuu, along with his sidekick Mai, makes the word "Shuumai", which is a food dish, that's like meat wrapped in this dumpling-like stuff.DB
MaiMaiMaiLook at ShuuDB
GulmesGourmesGulumesuGourmetDB Movie #1
RanfanRanfanLanfanNone, I think.DB
Silver TaisaCommander SilverSiluvaa TaisaEveryone that has to do with the Red Ribbon Army has a color in their name.. this guy is oviously Silver.DB
White ShogunWhite ShogunFowaito ShogunAnother guy from the Red Ribbon Army.(RR) DB
Metallic GunsoSergeant MetallicMetalliku GunsohAnother one from the RR ArmyDB
Murasaki SochoCaptain PurpleMurasaki SohchohRed Ribbon ArmyDB
BuyonBuyonBuyonThe word "buyon" generally signifies an elastic effect, and this monster was pretty elastic.DB
Blue ShogunBlue ShogunBluu ShogunRed Ribbon ArmyDB
Yellow TaisaCommander YellowYellow TaisaRed Ribbon ArmyDB
Tao-Pai-PaiTao-Pai-PaiTao-Pai-PaiRed Ribbon Army (the Pai part is spelled with the Chinese Character that also means "white")DB
Violet TaisaCommander VioletBaioletto TaisaRed Ribbon ArmyDB
Copper ShogunCopper ShogunCappaa ShogunRed Ribbon ArmyDB
Black Hosa/SosuiColonel/General BlackBlacku Hosa/SosuiRed Ribbon Army DB
Red SosuiGeneral RedLeddo SosuiRed Ribbon ArmyDB
Docter GeroDr. GeroDokutaa Gero"Gero" means puke.DB, DBZ
DraculamanDraculamanDlaculamanself explanatoryDB
Suke-sanSuke-san (Mr Suke)Sukč-san"Sukč" would be a short for "transparent", and this is an invisible guy.DB
Miira-kunMummy (-kun is used to address a male friend.)Miila-kunOviously he's a mummy.DB
AkumanAkumanAkumanThe word "aku" means evil, and this guy was dressed in a devil costume.DB
Tsulu-SenninCrane SageTsulu-Sen-ninThis guy is named after a crane and is Kame-Sennin's arch-rival. In Japanese sayings, they say Cranes live a 1000 years and turtles lives a 10,000 years. And not surprisingly, Kame-Sennin, the turtle sage, is the better of the 2.DB
ChaozuChatsuChaozuLook at him under the good guys list.DB
Otoko-ookamiMan-Wolf or Were-man instead of Were-wolfOtoko-ohkamiThis guy, instead of turning from human into wolf at a full moon, turns from wolf into a human at full moon.DB
Piccolo DaimaoDevil King PiccoloPi-colo DaimaohPiccolo, the instrumentDB
Piccolo (the new one)PiccoloPi-coloPiccoloDB
? (I haven't seen the Japanese episode that she is in.)Princess Snake?Snake I guessDBZ
SaibaimanSaibamenSai-bai-manSaibai means growing as in farming.DBZ
NappaNappaNappaNappa is kind of a lettuceDBZ, DBGT
KyuiCuiKyu-iNone that I know of.DBZ
DodoriaDodoriaDodoliaDoria, it's either a rice dish or pasta dish... I forgot which. I think it's rice.DBZ
ZarbonZarbonZarbonZabon, a kind of a fruit.DBZ
GinyuGinewGinyuGyuunew, which means milk.DBZ
FreezaFriezaFleezaFreezerDBZ, DBGT
Kold DaiohKing KoldKoldo DaiohColdDBZ
Vegeta-ohKing VegetaBejeeta-oh VegetablesDBZ
Jinzou-ningen Nijuu-gouArtificial Human #20Jinzoh-ningen Nijuu-gohNoneDBZ, DBGT
Jinzou-ningen Juukyuu-gouArtificial Human #19Jinzoh-ningen Juukyuu-gohNoneDBZ
Jinzou-ningen Juuhachi-gouArtificial Human #18Jinzoh-ningen Juuhachi-gohNoneDBZ
Jinzou-ningen Juunana-gouArtificial Human #17Jinzoh-ningen Juunanna-gohNoneDBZ, DBGT
Jinzou-ningen Juurocku-gouArtificial Human #16Jinzoh-ningen Juuloku-gohNoneDBZ
CellCellCeluCell... as in those stuff that we have in our body in the millions.DBZ, DBGT
Cell JuniorCell Jr.Celu JuniaSame as their father.DBZ
YamuYamuYamuuNone as far as I knowDBZ
Supopo-bitchiSupopo-bitchiSupopo-bitchiummm, perhaps that word that means female dog. (this guy was no dog tho!)DBZ
DarburaDarburaDaabula"Doubler", perhaps.DBZ
YaconYaconYahconThe word "Yacoh" means nocturnal, and this monster likes the dark.DBZ
IdasaIdasaIdaasahSwitch the letters around a bit and you get "Dasai", which means lame or weak, in fashion terms.DBZ
IcoseIcoseIkosehSwitch around the letters and you get "Secoi", which means dirty, as in a cheater.DBZ
PunterPunterPuhntaaA Punter (as in football)DBZ
Yaseta Majin-BuuThin Majin-BuuYasčtah Majin-BooWell oviously a thin BuuDBZ
Chou BuuSuper BuuChoh Boonone really... just a super BuuDBZ
Mokeko Mokeko Mohkehko "Mo keko" means I've had enough, in a pretty polite way. DBZ
Docter MyuuDr MyuuDoctaa Myuunone as far as I know DBGT
BabyBebiBabee??? Why the heck is this guy named Baby anyways??DBGT
Super Juunana-gouSuper #17Suupaa Juunanna-gohnoneDBGT
The Evil Shenlongs (I'm not quite sure what their real Japanese names are yet.)The Evil Eternal DragonsEvil ShenlonnoneDBGT
GarlicGarlicGaalikkuGarlicDBZ Movie #1
Garlic JuniorGarlic Jr.Gaalikku JuniaGarlicDBZ Movie #1
GingerGingerGingeaaGingerDBZ Movie #1
NickyNickyNickyNone, I hope.DBZ Movie #1
SanshyoSanshyoSanshyoSanshyoh- a kind of a spiceDBZ Movie #1
Docter WillowDr. WheeloDokutaa WillohWillowDBZ Movie #2
Docter KochinDr. KochinDokutaa Kohchin The word "Ko-chin" can be used to describe something that's frozen, and these guys were buried under ice for like 50 years... kinda makes sense. DBZ Movie #2
EbifuriarEbifuriarEbifuliaaEbi-fry: fried shrimp.DBZ Movie #2
MisokattsuMisokattsuMissokattsuMisokatsu: Fried Pork with miso (fermented soybean paste... hey it's pretty good.. seriously!)DBZ Movie #2
KishiimeKishimeKisheemehKishimen: a type of a noodleDBZ Movie #2
Sentoin BiomanFighter BiomanSen-toh-inn Baioman"Bioman", oviously a result of biotechnology.DBZ Movie #2
TarlesTurlesTaalessuLettuceDBZ Movie #3
AmondAmondAmondoAlmondDBZ Movie #3
RezunRezunRehzunnRaisensDBZ Movie #3
RakkasaiRakkasaiRackkasaeiRakkasai, a kind of nuts, I think.DBZ Movie #3
KakaoKakaoKakaoI think this is supposed to be a pun to Okaka, a kind of a fish flake thingy that they sometimes put on rice.DBZ Movie #3
TaiizuTaiizuTaiizuNone, I think.DBZ Movie #3
SlugSlugSlagguSlugDBZ Movie #4
MedamatchaMedamatchaMedamatchaMedama means eyeballs, and this guy has some weird eyeballs.DBZ Movie #4
DorodaboDorodaboDolodaboNoneDBZ Movie #4
AngiraAngiraAngilaNoneDBZ Movie #4
ZauenZauenZau-ehnNoneDBZ Movie #4
GiishuGiishuGiishuNoneDBZ Movie #4
KakujaKakujaKakuhjahNoneDBZ Movie #4
SentoinFightersSentohinnNoneDBZ Movie #4
CoolaKoolaCoolahCoolerDBZ Movie #5, #6
SauzerSauzerSauzaahNoneDBZ Movie #5
NaizuNaizuNaeizuhNoneDBZ Movie #5
DoreDoreDohreh"Dore" means "Well now,"... I'm not sure if that'll qualify as a pun, but oh well.DBZ Movie #5
Metal CoolaMetal KoolaMetalu CoolahCoolerDBZ Movie #6
Big GetestarBig GetestarBiggu Getehstaa?DBZ Movie #6
Robot-HeRobot SoldierLobotto-HehJust that it's a Robot Soldier... well duh..DBZ Movie #6
Uudoh-RobotTransport RobotUudoh-RobotSelf ExplanatoryDBZ Movie #6
Jinzou-ningen Juusan-gouArtificial Human #13Jinzoh-ningen Juusan-gohNoneDBZ Movie #7
Henshin Juusan-gouTransform #13Henshin Juusan-gohWell just a transformed version of himself, as the name suggests.DBZ Movie #7
Jinzou-ningen Juuyon-gouArtificial Human #14Jinzoh-ningen Juuyohn-gohNoneDBZ Movie #7
Jinzou-ningen Juugo-gouArtificial Human #15Jinzoh-ningen Juugoh-gohNoneDBZ Movie #7
ParagusParagusPalagasuAsparagusDBZ Movie #8
BrollyBrolyBlohleyBroccoliDBZ Movie #8, #10
MoaMoaMoahNoneDBZ Movie #8
BojackBojackBohjackuA guy named Bo and a guy named Jack?... nahDBZ Movie #9
PuujinPuujinPuujinNoneDBZ Movie #9
BidoBidoBidohNoneDBZ Movie #9
GokuaGokuaGokuah"Gokuaku" means pure-evil, and I think that's where this guy's name comes from.DBZ Movie #9
ZangyaZangyaZan-gya"Zankoku" means ruthless, and I think that's where her name comes from.DBZ Movie #9
Natade-mura no KitoshiThe Priest of Natade VillageNatadeh-mula no KitohshiNone reallyDBZ Movie #10, #11
JaggaJaggaJaggaNoneDBZ Movie #11
Bio-BrollyBio-BrollyBio-BlohleyBroccoliDBZ Movie #11
Menn-mennMenn-mennMenn-menn"Menn" means noodlesDBZ Movie #11
Bio-SenshiBio-WarriorBaio-SenshiSelf ExplanatoryDBZ Movie #11
JanenbaJanembaJanenba"Janen" means "evil thoughts", and "ba" means "morph".DBZ Movie #12
HildegarnHildegarnHildegarnNoneDBZ Movie #13

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